Life is too short to deal with unnecessary stress. If it doesn’t add purpose to your life, let it go!
There are many situations that many of us go through that have us second guessing the decisions that we are making in life. Whether it’s that mooching friend that just can’t get right and is always asking for handouts without working for it, or that significant other that constantly lies and takes advantage of you.
Often times we get so caught up with trying to please everyone that we lose sight of what’s really important, happiness.
Stop trying to hold onto things that aren’t meant to be held. We go through certain situations in life to prepare us for the greatness that’s about to come. But if you continue to keep that negative energy around you, there’s no room for the positivity to make its way.
If you have been with your significant other for years and he/she is still doing the same foolishness that they were doing at the beginning of the relationship, let it go! If they don’t want to work, get married, have kids, or simply just grow with you, let them go!
Everyone has the potential for greatness but if we let people take advantage of us, abuse us mentally or physically, or add any type of stress to our lives, it’s time to let it go.
In the words of Debbie Allen, “Relax, Relate, Release Yourself.”