A part of the Thanksgiving spirit is being thankful. And to show you are thankful for whoever invited you to their house to eat, you should come bearing SOMETHING. But not just anything. Here are a few tips on what to bring and what not to bring to Thanksgiving dinner.
Do not bring a homemade dish if it was not pre-discussed with the holiday meal planner a.k.a #BigMomma. Be aware that Thanksgiving (and Christmas) meals are planned out weeks and sometimes months in advance so bringing your own random dish without permission is almost like a slap in the face to the host. The alternative to that would be to either call and ask prior or bring something useful like extra beverages, plates, cups, napkins, etc.
If you plan on taking leftovers, bring your own plastic containers because granny peeped her Tupperware walking out the door many holidays and she hid them all this year. If you can’t bring plastic containers, bring lots of foil and styrofoam plates. All in all, the food is what needs to go, not the dishes.
Do bring lots of positive vibes and energy to the gathering. Everyone knows that feeling when one person in the room is tense and it drags the whole vibe down. Don’t be that person. It’s the holidays and you’re around the people in the world who love you the most. And besides, we’re all grown now so if you need a pick me up, you don’t even have to “take a walk” with your cousins around the corner anymore! Life is too short and each holiday you get to spend with your elders and the children should be cherished to the fullest because next year isn’t promised. And if you bring someone with you, they better be in the same positive vibes only wave as well.
Speaking of bringing someone, don’t bring a “date”. If you’re in a relationship and you don’t mind being asked a thousand questions about your woman/man, go right ahead. But if you’re single and just trying not to “look lonely,” you’re gonna set yourself up for failure bringing somebody you barely know. Don’t bring someone for the sake of walking around with someone, kick it with your cousins or go mingle with the other single folks in the fam. Because regardless, you’re amongst family and family is gonna talk. Get over it!
Every family is different, so many do’s and dont’s vary. What are some known things you should or should not bring to your family’s Thanksgiving Party?