Recently, video surfaced of power couple, Jay-Z and Beyoncé sitting during Demi Lovato’s performance of the “Star-Spangled Banner” at this year’s 54th annual Super Bowl. While many believed the mogul’s decision to sit was a silent protest, he recently revealed that is not the case.
On Tuesday, while at a Columbia University lecture, Hov admits that he and Bey did not stay in their seats as a cause for protest. When asked about “conveying a signal,” Jay responded, “It actually wasn’t–sorry.”, also adding that if he intended to create a political proclamation, he would claim it.
“I’d tell you, ‘Yes, that’s what I’ve done.’ I think people know that about me.”
He went on to explain how he and his wife, Beyoncé, were discussing the sports’ platform and performances at the event.
“… The whole time we’re sitting there, we’re talking about the performance, and then right after that, Lovato comes out, and we’re talking about how beautiful she looked, and how she sounds and what she’s going through, and her life — for her to be on the stage, we were so proud of her.”
Shortly after Demi’s performance, he revealed he got a call saying a video of the pair [Jay & Bey] went viral of them sitting during the ceremonious set.
“Blue was sitting right next to us, we wouldn’t do that to Blue and put her in that situation,” He said of his eight-year-old daughter, Blue ivy.
Former quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers, Colin Kaepernick, took a knee at a 2016 preseason game, in a stance against police brutality and social injustices against people of color. Since then, countless NFL players and celebrities have joined in support of Kaepernick’s display. Kaepernick has not been signed to an NFL team since.
According to The Hill, Jay-Z’s entertainment company, RocNation announced a partnership with NFL on social justice efforts. Most critics have considered this decision to be disingenuous.
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