Written by @pistolwhippedya
In a recent virtual video for this year’s German conference-Bits and Pretzels, actor Kevin Spacey gave a motivational speech to startup founders and entrepreneurs in which he compared his experiences of job loss to the coronavirus pandemic.
“I don’t think it will come as a surprise for anyone to say that my world completely changed in the fall of 2017,” Spacey said during the interview.
According to Entertainment Tonight Canada, in 2017, the former House of Cards star was publicly accused by multiple male victims of sexual assault, some allegations dating back to the 1980s. In the “matter of hours,” the actor lost jobs, relationships, and standing in the industry.
When asked about the global impact of COVID-19, Spacey appears to go into a reflection of self-pity. In terms of emotional struggles, Spacey related to “what it feels like to suddenly be told you can’t go back to work” and “suddenly finding yourself in a situation you could not possibly have prepared for or anticipated was coming.” However, he did acknowledge the significant differences in the circumstances of what he faced three years ago and what everyone else is facing now.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
“I don’t often like to tell people that I can relate to their situation because I think it undermines the experience that they may be having, which is their own unique and very personal experience. But in this instance, I feel as though I can relate to what it feels like to have your world suddenly stop.”
Spacey has vehemently claimed his innocence, but the public turmoil has made his last three years, “bleak and horrible.” In the 7-minute video, he admits to spending his time isolating with his dog Boston and not speaking to anyone.
Besides the 60-year-old actor’s two mysterious YouTube videos posted since the allegations, the interview with Bits and Pretzels was the first time Spacey has spoken out. The actor was dropped from House of Cards and has not appeared in any movies or television series since 2017. According to the Daily Mail, he was also removed from the completed film All the Money in the World; actor Christopher Plummer reshot his scenes.
The Oscar winner says he’s “never really stopped and looked closer at his life” until now. All he ever wanted to do was act, but when that abruptly ended, he was left wondering, “If I can’t act, who am I?'” Given the uncontrollable situation, he is taking the time to figure this out.
“This is a process that will allow me to ask other questions I’d never asked. Have conversations I’d never had. Delve into issues I’ve long avoided. Face truths I’d kept hidden and confront traumas I’d always denied,” he said, adding that he hopes people can discover “a new part of you that’s begging to be heard.”
He encouraged viewers that it will get better. “It’s at these kinds of moments that the most important thing to remember is that we have our health,” he said. “Our physical health but also our mental health. The health of our family, of our children, our parents if we’re still lucky enough to have them with us.”
One of Spacey’s accusers has died, the charges from those allegations have since been dropped. According to the Daily Mail, the case stemmed from a masseur’s allegations that Spacey inappropriately touched him during a massage session at a home in Malibu, California, in October 2016.
Those allegations surfaced after Spacey’s first accuser, Anthony Rapp came forth in 2017, accusing the actor of inappropriately climbing on top of him when he was 14-years-old. At the time, Spacey was 26. Spacey did not recall the incident and has issued an apology if it did happen.
In July of last year, authorities dropped indecent assault and battery charges against the actor due to mishandlings of text messages and the fact that accuser William Little later invoked his Fifth Amendment rights.
Spacey is still in the process of evaluating his life.
“I don’t want to sugarcoat this devastating time that we’re in; I am hoping that I can encourage you to see an opportunity in all of this and turn this into a positive.”