Does the price of the date really matter & if it does should it really matter? Let me know what you think!
The first date will set the initial tone for the possibly future relationship with the male/female that you are on the date with. The question is does the price of a date really matter & if it does should it really matter? In my personal opinion I believe that the cost of the date does not matter. What does matter for the first date and/or future dates is, the couple enjoys the time spent together, and they enjoy the activity/experience?
One variable that was left out of this discussion is,what does the woman have interest in doing? Once you find that out and that will usually be before the first date, the man should plan a date that will give the female the best experience. This can be done with a lot of thought and it does not have to break the bank. When you plan the date around the common interest and desires of the woman this will show her that you listen and pay attention to her when she speaks. You also show that you care about her happiness.
I want to get back to the first date being the tone setter for the possibly future relationship. If the man breaks the bank trying to impress the woman because he thinks the price of the date matters he is setting him self I high standard that he will be judged by in the future. If those standards are not met consistently then things will eventually fade away. Money should not be equated to the “thought” a man put into planning a date. The thought towards what the female wants should matter.
This leads in to my question: Should the man go all out on the first date? If so or if not why?
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