Following her departure from the daytime talk show The Real, actress Tamera Mowry-Housley has quietly settled back into life without being surrounded by cameras and an audience. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Mowry-Housley spoke about how she has adjusted from co-host with her former colleagues back to mother and wife.
“The girls will always be a part of my family,” Mowry-Housley said about Jeannie Mai, Adrienne Bailon Houghton, and Loni Love. “I may not be physically in front of the camera, [but] we will be a family forever. It’s weird to say, but I feel like I’m still there…I still talk to the girls, support the girls still, individually. I do it individually because they’re all doing their own thing.”
“Jeannie is really busy right now with Dancing With the Stars. I told her I saw her, and I know Adrienne is doing a show on Fox right now. Loni, we talk. She just texted me and was like, ‘How are you doing in quarantine?'” Mowry-Housley shared.
She also praised her longtime friend Garcelle Beauvais, who joined The Real in August.
“Garcelle I’ve known for years. She is amazing! She’s beautiful, she’s lovely and she has twins so we have talked. I’ve known her throughout my life. We were on The WB together and she’s always been fantastic. I support them. They support me! That’s what’s awesome, they support me!”
Even though the Sister Sister star is entering a new phase in her life, she is continuing to remain busy while she and her husband, Adam Housley, raise their two children (Aden, 7, and Ariah, 5).
“I am so busy! I am a working mom, and I’m actually producing the show, the movie that I’m doing right now. I’m in the midst of casting, and my kids go to school virtually,” she noted, adding that she hasn’t had time to watch the show “much right now.”
If there is one thing the Hollywood veteran has found since leaving a role she has occupied for the past 7 years, it’s peace.
“I have peace because I’m with my family and my family rejuvenates me. So being there for my family, being there for my children, they’re at an age right now where they want mommy around. I’m a hands-on parent. I like to help them whether it’s in soccer, dance, obviously pre-COVID, but we still do those things at home, with school, with homework.”
Outside of life as a mom, Mowry-Housley opened up about her love for acting, and the vineyard and tasting room that she and her husband own and operate.
“My husband has had the winery for years with his family, but we are now in control over it. It is seriously a dream,” she added. “I absolutely love everything about the winery. It is very inclusive. Anybody and everybody is welcome in that tasting room and that is what it’s known for,” she marveled. “I love acting. Acting is like, gosh, it’s my number one love. I loved doing my talk show, it was great. I did it for seven years, I built an amazing family, I learned a lot about myself and people and the importance of your voice, and not being afraid to vocalize your opinion because you never know who is out there that truly needs to hear your words.”
Regarding priorities at the moment, the mother-of-two says she is “focusing on my family and acting.”
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