Things got extremely emotional during Karrueche Tran’s sit down with Iyanla Vanzant. During the In the primetime television event, “Iyanla Exclusive: Karrueche Tran,” Chris Brown’s ex and model/actress Karrueche Tran sits down for a first time, emotional heart-to-heart with Iyanla. Karrueche shares her deeply personal story following her recent high-profile breakup with the singer and the recent revelation that he fathered a child with another women. “[I feel] hurt, betrayed..I feel like I let myself down.” Karrueche admits to Iyanla when asked how she felt after hearing about Chris’ new baby.
Karrueche talks about wanting to love Chris because that’s what he “needed” and in doing so, neglected what she needed. Iyanla tells her that this is a classic mistake that women make, wanting to heal a damaged man. A major shocker came when Karrueche admits that she knew *edited* Chris and Rihanna were involved with each other (again) in some capacity but ignored her instinct because she didn’t want to believe that it was “what it was.”
There are lots of gems in this episode which airs Saturday, March 28 at 8 pm ET/PT on OWN. Check out some clips below.
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