The second impeachment trial of Donald Trump opened “Pandora’s Box,” according to Sen. Lindsey Graham; he warns that Republicans could move to impeach VP Kamala Harris.
The senator argues that Harris’s advocacy to provide funding for bailing protestors out of jail over the summer qualifies for the same punishment the House was pushing for Trump.
Before joining President Joe Biden’s campaign, Harris supported the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which provided bail to protestors.
“She actually bailed out rioters, and one of the rioters went back to the streets and broke somebody’s head open. So we’ve opened Pandora’s Box here,” Graham said. “If you use this model, I don’t know how Kamala Harris doesn’t get impeached if the Republicans take over the House.”
It is not clear how involved Harris was, but her involvement does seem minimal considering arguments are being based on one tweet made in June: “If you’re able to, chip in now to the​ ​@MNFreedomFund​ ​to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.”
According to the New York Post, the fund “opposed the concept of cash bail​​” and was used “to secure the relief of a number of convicted ​violent ​criminals as well as protesters over the summer​ who were rallying against the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officers.​​”
Some of those bailed out include a suspect who shot at police, a twice-convicted sex offender, and a woman accused of killing a friend, the Post reported.
This is not Graham’s first time speaking out on the possible impeachment of Harris. When he spoke with Fox News’ Sean Hannity earlier this month on Trump’s impeachment, he mentioned: “Kamala Harris’s tape play where she bailed people out of jail.”
“What more could you do to incite future violence than to pay the bail of the people who broke up the shops and beat up the cops?” Graham added. ​”How’s that not inciting future violence? Be careful what you wish for my Democratic colleagues, be careful what you wish for.”