Ladies, you’ve been with your significant other for quite some time and you’ve discussed marriage several times in the past. You’ve even picked out your dream rings on Pinterest. Not being able to see a life without you, your guy thinks it’s time to pop the question. Unfortunately he doesn’t go to Jared. In fact, the ring he gets you is absolutely hideous. What do you do?
Let’s look at the obvious. You’ve already picked out your perfect ring. Maybe it was in his budget. Maybe it wasn’t. Either way, he didn’t buy it for you. Instead he bought you something that is completely not “you” at all. Do you take offense to the fact that something you’ll be wearing to symbolize your love doesn’t even symbolize you? Are you offended at the sheer disregard to your taste. I mean, let’s be honest, after years of being together he should have some idea of what type of ring you would like and even if your “dream ring” was out of his budget, I’m sure he could find a cheaper alternative that you would care for. No reason that you’re walking around with a High School class ring looking engagement ring and he’s thinking you should be happy with it, right?
I know some women may be so thirsty for marriage that they’ll look at the above as shallow but be truly honest with yourself, could you really walk around wearing something you didn’t truly like? Especially when the person you’re supposed to spend your life with should at least know a thing or two about your taste?
What if he doesn’t get you an engagement ring at all? Would that make your engagement any less real for you? What if you guys skipped the whole ‘getting down on one knee’ and the cliché ‘engagement ring in the champagne glass’ and just discussed the idea of marriage and went out and did it one day? Would you be content with that or would the piece of jewelry around your finger mean more to you in the long run?
Here’s something about a lot of women, we tend to overthink things when we don’t need to, and under-think things when we should think on it more. To some, the lack of a ring, or the inability to get the ring you want, will weigh down on us eventually. Yeah he loves me, but couldn’t he have loved me a little more and got me the ring I wanted? Men, on the other hand are very literal and less complex. If you tell a man you don’t care about a ring, he will literally take you for what you said. So be careful what you say.
It’s so important to take time and reflect on what got you to the point before the engagement. Did he treat you like a Queen before he popped the question? Did he just dangle you around because he was bored and needed something to do? Is he marrying you because it’s the right thing to do or is he marrying you because he couldn’t see a life without you? These are the real things we as women must think about. When we do, we realize the ring doesn’t mean a thing — it’s the man who gave it to you.
That said, don’t give me an ugly ring, bro. You should know better.
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