Remember the saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?” A Florida man had to learn the inaccuracy of this saying the hard way when he decided to approach his South Florida neighbors with a request turned brutal.
The June 14th beat down landed Frank Penkava, 42, of Hollywood, Florida, in Memorial West Hospital with multiple fractures to the face, possible permanent brain damage, and unrecognizable to family and friends; the sister identifying him by only his tattoo.
“There is no reason for what they did to him. I understand that people get into altercations all the time, and people’s emotions are high, especially over the last year, but there was nothing to warrant what they did to him,” she said.
As recent as today, Frank remains hospitalized, with doctors waiting for him to stabilize before operating. Frank has a 4-year-old son. His family fears he may never have a chance to raise and all because he voiced a neighborly concern.
“I am seeking justice, and I will not stop until I have justice for my brother,” Horvath told NBC Miami.