A coffee shop against “Karens” has sparked outrage from the very kinds of people the shop wants to keep away.
“Karen,” a new slang term to describe a privileged and usually racist white woman. Rather than just calling a racist white woman “a racist white woman,” some have opted to use this covert name when in situations with them. The term has become so popular that even businesses are using it.
“NO KAREN YOU CAN’T TALK TO THE MANAGER” is what a sign that was propped outside of Coffee Dose in Los Angeles read. The pink-painted sign was put out on Wednesday and ended up triggering racist white to react. A TikTok user posted footage of the sign, and since then, the upload has garnered over 829,000 views and 76,000 likes.
“Last week we had a very unhappy (literal) Karen after seeing our sign out front,” the video states, reports Indy 100. “She went to an actual Facebook group of women named Karen… and asked them to boycott our shop because she was offended (it’s meant to be a joke, unless the shoe fits).”
In response, Karens came together across social media platforms and put their privileged powers together to boycott the coffee shop over its “anti Karen” sign. Karens came alive in anger, giving the shop bad reviews and one-star ratings. “Why are you disparaging my name?” one of the Karens questioned. “‘ Bitch is bad enough; now this? It’s misogynistic and also bullying.”
Did they prove themselves to be Karens?
Where is this shop I would like to support their business. I bet its in a formally majority African American neighborhood that has been gentrified.
“The pink-painted sign was put out on Wednesday and ended up triggering racist white to react” Raquel Harris showing that she is racist – there’s no need tor this divisive tripe.