A man in California, who was recently caught on camera wearing a t-shirt that read “Your mask makes you look stupid,” is alleged to have harassed masked up school children while yelling at them and coughing and spitting on them.
While the footage showed the man shouting typical anti-masker comments while walking through a parking lot. Many parents in the La Crescenta area claim the man has been harassing “elementary and middle school children” for months.
A concerned parent recorded the man after he spit on children and other parents confirmed that he’s also been coughing in children’s faces.
Parents urge the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station to take these incidents seriously. “He was getting three to five inches away and coughing in their faces,” a parent told CNN.
In a statement released on Monday, the department said, “Crescenta Valley Station is aware of a video circulating on social media regarding a dispute between an anti-mask adult and others over the masking of children.“
“The incident appears to have occurred off school grounds sometime last week. Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station takes all allegations seriously and will be conducting a thorough investigation,” the statement continued.