Beioasyuoyidgiuhdknhfdsgnxhnkgdcfnjxhslg. Oh, sorry. I am still recuperating from the BeyMA’s. Beyoncé’s performance was EVERYTHING as usual but what took me out was her husband and daughter presenting her with the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award. She lit up like Time’s Square and was on the brink of tears when she saw them approach the stage. Princess Blue said “good job mommy” (or “yeah mommy”?? Well, I’m going to go with the former) and clapped the entire time as her dad handed over the award and dubbed her mommy “the greatest living entertainer” I lost it. I cried like I stubbed my toe on a bed rail do you hear me?!
I was overwhelmed not just because Beyoncé slays but because Love is such a beautiful thing to witness, period. Aside from that, to have a spouse who supports you in your career, is proud of you and admires your work? That’s an award within itself. I don’t care what people say about these two it is evident that they are one another’s biggest fan. The absence of such support can either be extremely discouraging or have an irrevocable impact on a relationship. Let’s take the movie Brown Sugar for example. Andre, stressed, overwhelmed, overworked and under appreciated decided to leave the company he was with a start a record label of his own. He was excited about what was to come but when he took it to his wife, Reese, she was clearly not enthused and referred to it as his “little record label”. Girl. WHET? That’s what NOT to do. Although Brown Sugar is just a movie, I know a lot of real life Reese’s who get real life left only to watch the person they downed flourish from afar.
If my significant other comes to me wanting to sell life insurance to the dead I’ll side eye her on the low because nothing about that makes sense but in the next breath I’ll be making t shirts, ordering business cards, and typing up policies. Although this is a stretch of an example the point remains that you won’t always agree with what your mate chooses but if it is not detrimental to you, your family or relationship in any way,why not support them? It’s okay if you think it’s silly or of they’re dreaming too big but that doesn’t mean you have to verbalize it, especially if they have not asked for suggestions. There is a difference between offering reasonable input and being overly critical. Be careful.
Perhaps you want to be supportive but you aren’t sure how to be. Well, there are quite a few ways. Believe in and speak life into your mate. When they are losing faith, remind them of their strengths and skills as it relates to their goals and assure them that they are fully capable. Help rebuild them when they suffer blows or when things fall apart. Let them know that you are proud of them regardless and offer endless fellatio when he’s cranky and overworked. I typed that? Damn autocorrect. Be there for them while they transition and as they make things happen. Read her blogs (*cheese*) and discuss the content every now and then, quiz him as he studies for finals, help the kids with their homework while babe tackles her own homework, pray with her before she heads out to interview for a promotion or wear your baddest dress and a smile to that boring awards ceremony being held in his honor. There may be occasions where you have to be open and understanding of schedule conflicts, extended trips or being unable to keep your eyes open the next day because his game went into over time. Those temporary sacrifices are worth it as you live out a lifetime of benefits whether they are monetary or simply witnessing the twinkle in their eye while doing what they Love.
Is your spouse supportive of your dreams, goals or career? In what ways? Are you supportive of theirs? How important is spousal support in your union?
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