Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spoke out about abortion rights.
AOC recently spoke at a rally at Union Square in New York City. She reveals to protestors she had been raped and thank God abortion was an option.
“I myself, when I was about 22 or 23 years old,” AOC begins. “I was raped when I was living here in New York City. I was completely alone. In fact, I felt so alone that I had to take a pregnancy test in a public bathroom in midtown Manhattan.”
She continued, “When I sat there waiting for what the result would be. All I could think was: Thank God I have, at least, a choice. Thank God I could, at least, have the freedom to choose my destiny. I didn’t know then, as I was waiting, that it would come up negative. But it doesn’t matter … This is for all of us. This is not a women’s rights issue. This is an issue for all of us.”
AOC also added that abortions will not stop but will be extremely hard if not, impossible for women to access.
The Supreme Court recently overturned the historic court case Roe vs. Wade that legalized abortions. Since the announcement, a total of 26 states are expected to enforce the new law.
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