“All these people on the planet working 9-5 just to stay alive” Beyoncé chants before posing the question “how come?” in the first verse of ‘Haunted’. Let me make this clear up front, this post is in no way, shape or form written to frown upon those who are comfortable in their position in life…or work for that matter. If you work a 9-5 (or 3-11 or 11-8am) and you Love it, I am not referring to you. I am particularly speaking to people who wake up on Saturday mornings already dreading going in to work on Monday and fantasizing about their true passions as a past time. This message is for the MUA who paints a faux smile on her face as she sits at her desk answering calls when she’d rather be painting the face of a blushing bride. These words are for the singer who is silenced by the roaring of machines in the factory she hates working in and the Realtor who holds the key to her future but continues to close door after door for the safety of being locked away in an administrative position. It’s for the writer who wrote herself off as not good enough and settled for that job her best friend’s sister referred her to and the judge who hold herself in contempt for not obeying the desire to follow her dreams. This is for the women who have no clue where their passions lie but have that feeling in the pit of the stomach that there is something more they want.. something bigger.. something better.
Those who know me know I am notorious for quitting jobs. Not because I am a quitter per say but because I am a firm believer in happiness and doing what I Love. I used to start new jobs with the intent to stay put, plant roots and grow if within the company if possible. It hardly ever worked that way though. I’d get antsy and every little thing would get to me. The moment it doesn’t sit well in my spirit I dip. That may be silly to some but my mental and emotional well being are not things that I am willing to compromise for the coin. Recently, I made a decision to leave a corporate job to pursue my passions full time and people keep asking why I am leaving such a “good job” and for a few moments I actually found myself beginning to ponder. I quickly shook that off when I realized that these people are forcing their definition of “good job” on me and attempting to throw me in their box where everything is nice and safe. For me, a good job is one I Love. Period. The monetary reward comes only after the intrinsic one.
Another reason I hardly ever have any reservations about moving on is because it is easy to get comfortable with discomfort. Reeeeewiiiiiiind. It is easy to get comfortable with discomfort. “Man, I hate this job. I’m miserable and I am not able to make my talents or gifts work for me. They don’t appreciate me, I am overwhelmed, overworked and underpaid but it pays the bills. I’ll give myself two more months then I’ll go after my dreams” and next thing you know five years have passed and you’re no closer to that dream because what? You got comfortable with JUST getting the bills paid. 9-5 just to stay alive, how come?
Once I made that decision it seemed as if confirmations came out of nowhere. On the television, on the radio, from strangers and a not so funny meme on Instagram. Maybe I was looking for a sign or maybe they found me, I’m not sure. And if you’re looking for one, here it is. Whatever it is you want to and have the skills to do, DO IT. It’s okay if you don’t have all of the resources just yet, that will come. Sure, there are several factors to consider and I understand that for some it is not as simple as just doing it. However, it is imperative to start where you are. There is no such thing as the right moment, the right amount of money, the right weight or whatever other limit you have set for yourself. You only have NOW. Take that internship. Nope, it doesn’t pay cash but it pays experience and exposure. Â If you don’t know where to start, that’s fine. Attach yourself to someone who does. That woman who dominates your field of choice that you admire from afar? Gather the gumption to reach out to her and tell her how she inspires you and ask if she’s interested in being a mentor. Oh, you can’t attend that seminar because you don’t have a car? Grab your favorite book and take that 3 hour train or bus ride. Take risks, make sacrifices and Get.Out.There.
A few weeks ago we discussed success and our personal definitions for the term. If living what you Love is a part of that term don’t let people tell you what you should be happy with or settle for. The trick is to combine your gifts with something you Love and juicy goodness will follow if YOU follow through. Now, don’t walk into your job and flip your desk over in the morning, I am not encouraging that nor am I bailing you out when they lock you up. K?
The 9 to 5, just to stay alive
The 9 to 5 just to stay alive
The 9 to 5 just to stay alive
The 9 to 5 just to stay alive
The 9 to 5 just to stay alive
The 9 to 5 just to stay alive
All the people on the planet
Working 9 to 5 just to stay alive
How come?
What’s keeping you from pursuing your passions? Are you working to stay alive or does your work allow you to LIVE?
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