Tom Brady is apologizing for comparing the NFL to “going away on deployment for the military.”
Brady, 45, is walking back and apologizing for his controversial comments about the NFL being similar to what it would be like being deployed in the military. He made the statements while chatting with co-host Jim Gray and Kevin Durant on the “Let’s Go!” podcast.
“Earlier this week, I made a statement about playing football and the military and it was a very poor choice of words,” Brady said during a press conference on Thursday, CNN Sports reports.
“And I just want to express that to any sentiments out there, that people may have taken it in a certain way, so I apologize,” the football star said.
He continued: “I have a tremendous amount of gratitude for everyone who served and, in the end, we play a game and the military is defending our country is two very different things and I shouldn’t have made the comparison.”