Today Robin Thicke released the video to “Get Her Back”, the song he wrote to win his wife Paula back after cheating on her repeatedly. Robin initially debuted the song during the Billboard Music Awards earlier this year and in a last ditch effort he has also announced that his new album will be titled “Paula”. Too little too late? Paula thinks so. You see, all of Robin’s music was dedicated to Paula. He’s mentioned this several times so I don’t doubt that Paula would be completely un-swayed by Robin’s new song now.
To help Robin out, I’ve come up with 10 things he should do to win back his wife. 10 Things other than write her songs, that is.
10. Hire a man to take Paula out on a date, but it has to be a HORRIBLE date where Paula has to pay for dinner and the guy is a total douche bag. Then she’ll realize that all men ain’t shit and she should be happy with the one she has.
9. Pitch a tent outside Paula’s home so she has to see you every morning she has to go to work. She can’t get over you if she can’t stop seeing you.
8. Inform her that she’s not allowed to break up with you without your permission.
7. Tattoo Paula’s name on their son’s arm because nothing says ‘I love you’ like tattooing a toddler.
6. Start a fight with every man who comments on Paula’s Instagram. Pay special attention to the ones that use emojis.
5. Get her black listed from Hollywood. If she can’t work she’ll be forced to live off of Robin. Now it’s not about if she wants him. It’s if she NEEDS him.
4. Leave her voice mails every hour on the hour telling her how much you love and miss her.
3. Go on a sabbatical to Africa.
2. Get a new girlfriend. Women only want you when someone else has you.
1. If all else fails, just stop cheating.
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