(This is not a picture of the actual surgery.)
A little over a week later after his May 8th surgery, 64 year-old Thomas Manning is recovering from his penile transplant. In an effort to restore normalcy and penile function to Manning, a cadaver’s penis was transplanted to his body. Although Manning is the first person in the United States to receive a donor penis, he is not the first in the world. Guangzhou General Hospital of Guangzhou Military command of China transplanted the first penis ever in 2006. The surgery was biologically successful (the body accepted it), however, due to severe psychological repercussions, the patient had the transplant removed.
Manning has undergone extensive psychological evaluations and doctors believe this transplant will be psychologically and biologically successful. Manning’s penis was amputated due to cancer treatment. He was only left with an inch of penile tissue after the tumor had been removed. His need to have the transplant was fostered by his desire to return to some previous level of sexual function and to be intimate. “ I couldn’t have a relationship with anybody” he said. “You can’t tell a woman ‘ I had a penis amputation’. “
Manning’s transplant team spent 3 years preparing for his surgery by practicing on cadavers. Within a few weeks, Manning should be able to urinate normally. In a few months he should gain improved sexual function.
-Niko Rose
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