Earlier today Floyd Mayweather did an interview with Big Tigger of Atlanta’s V-103 radio. In the interview, Floyd talks more about his drama than his boxing. He talks Ashanti, Nelly, Miss Jackson’s abortion and throws a LOT of shade. For those of you who didn’t get to hear, check out a few things Floyd had to say.
On Miss Jackson’s Abortion
“I reacted because I was upset. I wanted the world to know that she really had an abortion, not a miscarriage. I wanted to put the picture on All Access but I had already done the interview. After All Access went off somebody from Showtime got in touch with me and said ‘Floyd, I’m glad that you didn’t put the picture out there because she didn’t have a miscarriage, she had an abortion. She’s telling me the whole time that stress from me made her have a miscarriage when all in all she went and got an abortion. It hurt my feelings because she’s selfish. All she’s worried about is looks. Talking about, ‘I don’t wanna mess my body up’ but everything you got on your body I paid for so it’s okay. Even if you had the babies if you wanted me to put you back together like I did in the beginning, I could’ve done it again.”
On Miss Jackson’s Plastic Surgery
“Every time we get to talking she’s like ‘This girl don’t look better than me’ or ‘That girl don’t look better than me’ or ‘That girl has a fake booty’, ‘Look at that girl with the fake breasts’ but I’m all like, everything that you got on you is fake. You got a fake butt. You got fake titties. I mean, you got work done on your face. So, it’s like you’re talking about everybody but you’re doing the same thing. That’s how you knew my love was genuine. I loved you from the heart because I accepted you for how you looked. No breasts, no butt, no face work, I accepted you because it was real love.”
On Miss Jackson’s Instagram
“You didn’t just wake up and get all those followers on Instagram. You didn’t just wake up and get all of those followers on Twitter. Let’s be real.”
On Moving Forward
“I think that a lot has been said and I think that the best way is to leave it where it’s at. I don’t want something like this to continue to be negative. From the beginning my whole outlook on everything was ‘your private life should be private’ things happen, you live and you learn, and you learn from the things that you go through”
Floyd also takes some shots saying:
– Miss Jackson is only messing with Nelly for publicity because she wants a reality show
– Nelly borrowed $500,000 from Ashanti
– Nelly hasn’t been hot since “Country Grammar”
– He still takes care of Miss Jackson’s mother even though Miss Jackson left her to live in poverty
– He still loves Miss Jackson in spite of what they’ve gone through
– Miss Jackson sold the cars that he bought her to bring in some extra income
Ok, this is purely my opinion and does not reflect the thoughts of Baller Alert but Floyd Mayweather is INSANE! How can he say that he wants to be positive and that he feels his private life should be private when the ONLY reason we know about he and Miss Jackson’s break ups is because he broadcasts all the drama on Instagram? How can he say he wants to be positive, yet in the same sentence take SEVERAL shots at Miss Jackson and Nelly? How can he keep throwing out all the plastic surgery he got Miss Jackson when he spent just as much money upgrading Princess Love and who knows what other Money Team hoes. Maybe that’s just his “thing”, turning regular girls into vixens. I don’t know, but it looks to me like Floyd needs to focus on his fight against Maidana tomorrow and less on what’s going on between Miss Jackson’s legs. That’s how Broner lost his title.
Nelly’s response to Mayweather’s interview…
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