I decided to write this blog for the women who are interested in dating Ballers, but also to assist the Ballers who may have to deal with crazy psycho chicks who are looking for 15 minutes on a blog. Get your stop watch ready, here is minute 15.
Earlier today we were sent an email from a young lady by the name of Shirdkevia (don’t laugh chile, that’s her real name) who sent us an email pretending to be her “friend”. The email was simple and to the point stating: “Babymama Instagram name @Shirdkeviaa_ we from Miami nobody wants to help and understands that’s drakes my BabyFather and he is hiding this.” Basically she is claiming that Drake is the father of her 2 year old son (born July 2011) and she is 1 million percent sure Maury because look at the skin, the hair and the lips! Shamwow provided side by side photos and all.
Adorable kid, and while he does favor Drake, so do a lot of light skinned babies. Blue Ivy, for instance.
Anyway, 22 year old Shalamar is adamant that her son is Drake’s child. She’s even put “Drake’s baby mama” as her bio on instagram and threatened to take him on Maury. Yet for some reason, she’s not pictured ANYWHERE with Drake. he doesn’t follow on social media or anything!
So when we received the email, of course we considered making it a Baller Mail. This is juicy tea! But what do we do before we post Baller Mails? RESEARCH! That’s right ladies, don’t think you’re just about to send us an email saying Drake is your baby daddy and you don’t even have a pic of you and Drake in the same room. Even I have a pic with Drake.
So I found Sharkeisha’s Facebook page and after a little scrolling, found this..
Damn! Drake is a deadbeat dad? He is disrespectful to his baby mama? And not one of of four commenters on her page mention his name? Interesting. So, I keep digging. Until I find this little gem…
Her baby motha-freakin-daddy! Dated August 2011, just two weeks after having her son who she nick named “Papi Chulo”… Does this young “provider” look like Drake to you? Let’s ask Drake.
So at this point I’m mad. First of all, don’t you ever in your life try to play Baller Alert like we’re stupid by sending us false information. We are known to DRAG those who do. Secondly, are you stupid or are you stupid? Do you not know that your little ploy for 15 seconds of fame can get you sued sis? Folks have sent us cease & desists for less, trust me I know. So I send Stankonia a nice little email.
Hi Shirdkevia,You have a beautiful son. He’s absolutely handsome and you’re right, he looks a lot like Drake. Unfortuantely, Drake is not his father. We did a little investigation and found that your son’s father is a young man named Barry and found his photo on your Facebook page. A little advice from Baller Alert to you, you want to be VERY careful making false accusations against celebrities/Ballers because they can & WILL sue and you losing what ever little money you have now for 15 minutes on a blog is not worth it. Your child needs a mother to take care of him and you going to jail over stupid accusations will never be cute, nor a good look.Furthermore, I’m glad that you read Baller Alert and enjoy the posts you’ve read so far. We appreciate you interacting with us. What we do not appreciate is sending us false stories that can put us in a situation where we can end up in a law suit. To put it lightly, that’s not cute, sis. We take every email submitted to us very seriously and do extensive research before posting. To think that we wouldn’t, would be a mis-step on your part. If we’d like, we could contact Drake and get the official story from the hourses mouth. We value our brand, integrity and our site THAT much.I’d carefully reconsider sending this story to any other blog sites because if you do, not only will you end up having to deal with Drake’s team possibly coming for you, we will email each blog individually with the photo proof that Drake isn’t the father. That’s embarassing. You don’t want that and I don’t have the time.Let’s just pretend that email didn’t happen, k? 🙂
It’s at this point she calls me unprofessional for attempting to save her from potential lawsuits. Claims the man she’s photoed with is her younger brother (although her brother on her Facebook page is a dark skinned male) and then tries to check me on Instagram. Oop, wrong move sis!
This is the point where I realize that she refuses to take the L that she has NEVER met Drake, nor had sex with him. Not the same Drake that has sex with strippers and models and Rihanna and Zoe Kravitz, Not THAT Drake. Where’s your paternity test Shaniqua? Where’s your court order? He didn’t even put your name in a song. You don’t have the answers, Sway!
Let this be a lesson first and foremost to those of you that send us or any blogs false information in an attempt to get 15 minutes of fame. You may fool a dummy but you won’t fool us. ANY light skinned baby boy can look like Drake when he’s a baby. But can you provide receipts? Don’t test my intelligence.
And for you Ballers out there, if these thirsty women you never met would go through such lengths to capitalize off your name just because her own deadbeat baby daddy won’t be in her child’s life, don’t be surprised when a girl you DO sleep with does even worse. Stay woke!
Feel free to tweet @Drake on Twitter, or hit him on Instagram @champagnepapi and tell him he may need a restraining order on this chick.
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