Following the season finale of Real Housewives of Atlanta, Bravo aired a sneak peak of the infamous reunion show and they had NO problem letting us know that a fight most definitely went down. In case you forgot, it was reported that police were called to the scene when Porsha attacked Kenya, serving her a beat down and allegedly dragging her by her hair across the stage. Kenya later came back and said that no such fight happened, even though a tape of her placing a 911 call was later released. Needless to say, after watching the short clip below, you will see that not only a fight took place but Porsha absolutely drug Kenya.
Kenya was writing checks her ass couldn’t cash and it looks like Porsha was the only one to test her. Kenya said some pretty trash things to Phaedra but it was no surprise to me that Phaedra didn’t attack her, it’s not part of her southern belle persona. It’s been obvious from the jump that Kenya just does TOO MUCH!
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