I ran across this article from the NY Post yesterday in which a woman broke down Beyonce’s Grammy Awards performance and why Jay Z was a bad husband for allowing it to happen.
Read what the author wrote below:
“What do you call a man who stands there smiling and singing as his scantily clad wife straddles a chair and shakes her rear end for other men’s titillation?
I’m certain if I look through enough Jay Z song titles, I’ll come up with the right name for his role in Beyoncé’s performance at the Grammy Awards Sunday night. Rhymes with Goodyear. . . ? Well, how about I just call him a poor excuse for a husband.
For years, these award ceremonies have pushed the envelope; Beyoncé’s booty-shaking was certainly no worse than Miley Cyrus’s twerking or any number of other performances by Madonna, for instance. But there’s something particularly icky about doing it while your husband looks on approvingly.
“Honestly, I didn’t want to watch Jay Z and Beyoncé’s foreplay,” says Charlotte Hays, author of “When Did White Trash Become the New Normal?” Indeed, the happy couple seems to have completely blurred the line between what goes on in their bedroom and what happens on national TV. So much for the woman that Michelle Obama has called “a role model who kids everywhere can look up to.”
Hays says, “It wasn’t surprising to see Jay Z, looking pleased at his wife’s hyper-sexualized exhibition on stage.” After all, “he’s made a living singing lyrics that call women ‘bitches’ and ‘hos,’ so we shouldn’t be surprised that he objectified his own wife on stage.”
It is a little bit surprising, though, coming so soon after Beyoncé contributed to the recent feminist manifesto, the Shriver Report. When she complains that “gender equality is a myth,” one wonders to what extent her consent to sell sexuality has contributed to the problem.”
Here are my thoughts. Every day women fight for gender equality and the right to do what we want with our lives. Beyonce is an entertainer and was an entertainer before she met her husband. Is it a bad thing that Jay Z supports his woman and encourages her? Does it matter that a married 34 year old woman twerks on her husband instead of Miley Cyrus twerking on someone else’s? Does Black Love scare people THAT much?
Frankly, I watched the Grammy’s and Beyonce really didn’t do anything that crazy. She sat in a chair for half the performance and stood next to her husband for the other half. She wore a leather body suit with lace stockings underneath. I’ve seen much worse done on the Grammy’s and other award shows. Let us not forget Madonna tongue kissed Brittany Spears and Christina Aguilera live on television and no one wondered whether her daughter would see it or whether Brittany and Christina’s young fans would be influenced. Does Beyonce’s figure, at it’s skinniest, really offend people this much?
Beyonce is grown and so is her husband. Jay Z isn’t pimping Beyonce to other men, he is watching her make their billionaire status grow. He goes home to her at night and she to him. Is it a bad thing that he loves his woman and supports her? Would people rather he made the “Bootylicious” singer dress like a nun after he put a ring on it? This couple knows their business.
I feel like this entire article was not only off base, but all over the place. It was just another way to attack someone over something miniscule. I can promise you that not only is this writer probably single and miserable, she probably could only WISH to have her husband (let alone her man) support what she chooses to do in her career. Stay mad, sis.
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