Given only a choice of either a dominant man or one who caters to her, which do you think more women would choose? Before assessing, it’s important to understand that neither of these men are “a bad thing” so choosing one over another is not going with the lesser of two evils. Consider the positive points in each one.
A dominant man does not mean that he is over powering and controlling. That’s not dominance at all. A dominant man is a man who exudes leadership qualities. A man a woman trusts to follow because she knows that she is safe walking the path he chose for them. A dominant man is decisive and sure of himself. Ironically, most women who choose the dominant man are dominant alpha women. Alpha women tend to get tired of leading all of the time and sometimes just want someone to take the reins every now and then. A dominant woman is used to walking over men. It’s our nature to enjoy a bit of a challenge or resistance. It’s the masochist in us.Â
Meanwhile a catering man is also a great man. This does not necessarily mean that he is a push over. It more so means that he puts you above himself. A catering man is more likely to ask you what you would like for dinner, where a dominant man will order for you. A catering man can be looked at as more caring, I suppose. He’s likely to bring you breakfast in bed, rub your feet when you get off of work, and basically take care of your every whim and desire. A catering man is one you could expect to take your wants and needs into consideration above his own.
Given that it’s hard to find either one of these men as it is, in an ideal world which would you choose?Â
I believe that women are like small children to an extent. Think back to when you were a child, a toddler or so. Everything your parents told you to do, you just did it. Why? Just because. You followed your parents where ever they went. You trusted their judgement and it never dawned on you that maybe they didn’t have all of the answers. That’s exactly how most of us want our men. There’s a reason we chase after men who remind us of our fathers. We want someone who will walk us through life without us having a care in the world. Now back to my childhood analogy. Think back to when you cried and mom wiped your tears, cleaned your diaper, bathed you and nurtured you. Remember those times when dad tied your shoes, and put your hair in those ugly, lop-sided pig tails because mom had to go to work early and it was picture day. Women want our men that way as well. I don’t know many women who don’t enjoy effort being put towards her. Effort in her appearance, effort in her safety and effort in her thoughts. Sometimes we don’t want to be women and just want to be catered to like a small child again.
In this day and age it’s hard to find either one of these scenarios, let alone a good mix of the two. Somewhere relationships are no longer a stepping stone to a healthy marriage. Relationships are either strictly business/popularity moves, or just something to pass the time. In a world full of breaks, side-chicks and babies outside of marriage, you have to really sift through the dirt to find a good man — a caterer or a dominant one.
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