Reatha “Rose” Grey, a cherished member of the viral comedy group Retirement House, has passed away at the age of 75. Known to fans as the hilarious “Grandma Rose,” Grey’s vibrant personality and sense of humor made her a standout star in the social media sensation.
On January 20, her fellow Retirement House members shared the heartbreaking news via an Instagram Reel, paying tribute to their beloved friend. Influencers Mabel, Curtis, Eugene, Larry, and Bubbe reflected on her incredible impact, both as a collaborator and as a member of their tight-knit family.
“You may remember her as the hilarious Grandma Rose on Retirement House, but of course, we remember her as a member of our family,” said Mabel in the emotional tribute. Eugene added, “She was hilarious, thoughtful, and above all else, loved interacting with everyone.”
The Instagram Reel featured clips of Grey’s many adventures with Retirement House, including dancing, swimming, and even bungee jumping. The video was soundtracked by a recording of her voice alongside Frank Sinatra’s classic song My Way. Her poignant words served as a reminder of her optimistic outlook on life:
“You have to grab that bull by its horns and just take it down and have no fear. Do things that make you happy, take time for yourself, and last but I think probably most important, is to always love,” she said. “People will try to poke you and do things to make you hate them — just pay no attention to that. Just love and forgive, and you’ll have a very happy and fulfilled life.”
Since Grey’s passing, Retirement House has continued to honor her memory with touching tribute posts on social media. On January 21, the group shared a carousel of photos and videos captioned, “Gone but never forgotten ❤️ The world is a better place because you walked through it 🌹.”
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