Laura Govan doesn’t like the way Shaunie is running Basketball Wives. After catching wind of the upcoming Basketball Wives LA cast, Govan had a few things to say.
“I feel like she didn’t keep [the show] in the basketball creed. She shoulda kept ‘Basketball Wives,’ basketball wives. There coulda been a ‘Housewives or a Ho’ show for everybody else later.”
It’s likely Laura Govan was referring to Draya Michele (whom no one knows which NBA affiliation landed her on the show) and Sunday Carter (who reportedly had a daughter with married ex-NBA star Larry Hughes.)
That sounds all great and fine but if my memory serves me correctly, isn’t Laura still ringless as well? Her sister finally tied the knot with her NBA baby daddy during the last season. If Shaunie kept it strictly wives, the Govans would have been jobless for the past few years. Thank Shaunie for that extra income and bow out gracefully.