When you have food already prepared then you’re less likely to cheat. However many of us have very busy schedules and don’t have time to cook every meal everyday. Also, not having healthy food readily available makes the thought of running to the nearest burger joint for dinner so much easier. On our journey to achieve a Ballerific Body, we can’t let that happen. This is when prepping your food comes in.
Choose a day or night to prepare all your meals in advance. You can do this every night for the next day, or you can choose one day out of the week to marinade all your meats, and cook your sides. My day is usually Sunday. I marinade all of my chicken and turkey breast and boil my rice in advance. If I’m bringing homemade lunch to work with me the next day I usually cook that meal as well, but that’s usually the only meal I cook in advance. Throughout the week look up recipes so that you don’t get bored eating the same old thing. Try different vegetables, meats, and types of fish. Changing your eating habits gives you a chance to experiment with different food.
If you do plan to cook your meals in advance, invest in Tupperware. Lots of it! Seriously, you’ll need all sizes. You will be using it to store cooked food, to put meals together for the week, and much more. It makes figuring out what to eat so much easier. All you have to do is pull a tray out the fridge and warm it up! You will also need Ziplock bags to marinade and store your meats and to store your homemade snacks. Doesn’t get any easier!
When you plan ahead you’re less likely to fall off the wagon, so make Prep Day your favorite day of the week!
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