Exes, we all have them. Some relationships end on a bad note and there are others that end well. Sometimes you find that you’re just not compatible with someone and it’s better that you just remain friends. But is that possible? Is it possible to be friends with someone that you were romantically involved with? What about after you’ve entered into a new relationship?
Carrying on friendships with your ex can be tricky. What if you moved on? What if they did? The easiest way to avoid confusion is by setting ground rules. I strongly believe that you should never quit your real friends because you’re in a relationship and if an ex is a friend, you can still make it work. It’s important that you let your ex know that in order to be a friend they must know that there can be no romance between the two of you. He must understand that there are boundaries. Whether you are single or not, he must know those boundaries and abide by them. Your ex has to know that he is not afforded the same luxuries as he was when you were together. The late night phone calls must cease and absolutely NO SEX! Friends don’t have sex! Your ex is no longer allowed to have romantic feelings for you and he must know this. It is very important that if your ex still holds feelings, that you realize you can’t be close friends. Those feelings will always come out, no matter what you try to do.
There are three types of exes. Those who still love you, those who don’t still love you and those that just didn’t work out. You must determine which ex you have and act accordingly. Every type of ex is handled differently. If you have an ex who hates you and doesn’t want to be your friend, he is just as dangerous as the ex who is still in love with you. With that said, having an ex as a friend is hard work. Not impossible, but definitely hard work.
What are some ways that you can keep your ex as a friend, or do you avoid it all together?