Credit card company Capital One is after former Baller Wife, Pilar Sanders, for running up a $6,000 bill and neglecting to pay. Not sure how she racked up such a hefty bill but I’m sure living at the Westin for months probably played a huge part.
Via Bossip
We’ve learned … Capital One has slapped Pilar Sanders with a big, fat lawsuit in Texas for allegedly failing to make payments on a $6,160.25 bill … an amount she used to consider chump change.
We’ve been reporting for months … Pilar and Deion are at WAR — and Prime Time even kicked her out of his Texas mansion. Pilar has lawyered up and wants a cut of the NFL legend’s fortune, estimated at more than $250 million.
But for now Capital One just wants its $6k … and according to court docs, the bank says it reached out to Pilar in January, 2013, demanding she cough up the cash … but she never paid.
Now, C.O. is suing for the full amount plus court costs.
What’s in Pilar’s wallet? Not much…
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