Nick Young is already close to losing his job with the Lakers, but if he wants to keep his penis, he better stay out of trouble.
Iggy did an interview with Tampa’s Wild 94.1 where she revealed that she gave Nick an ultimatum he couldn’t refuse. For now, it appears she’s going to stick around, but if he cheats again, she won’t be the only thing splitting.
“No, I’m not cool with it. You will have half a penis,” said Iggy. ““I already said one more video, just one more thing and you will lose a quarter of your meat.”
Iggy goes on to say that Nick got to slide this time only because she doesn’t know for a fact if he actually cheated. However, she says if she gets some real evidence, he’s going to lose a bit of his manhood.
I guess a verbal admission doesn’t count as real evidence in this case.
Iggy adds that when it comes to the unwritten guy code, she couldn’t care less about it. “Whatever unspoken bro code, I don’t really care [about] because I have an actual spoken commitment that you’re going to get married to me. That involves, not doing any of those other things. Screw guy code, I’m not really concerned about guy code.”
Watch the interview below.
Loved this article, thanks for posting. Yikes. I wouldn’t mess with Iggy! I also wouldn’t spend another day of my life without using a penis health creme daily. Guys, no joke, this stuff works. My girl has seriously noticed a difference in how soft it is and how healthy it feels when I have an erection. The ingredient list boasts vitamins and other essential ingredients that leave your penis feeling healthy and ready for anything!