Stacey Dash and Donald Trump are somewhere salty as hell because my man Barack Obama is back! It was a stressful night. The race started in Romney’s favor and before you know it things got incredibly close. With the help of our good friends over in California and Ohio, Obama won with 274 electoral votes to Romney’s 203.
I know my heart was racing like crazy the entire time. My nerves couldn’t take it but I am absolutely happy to say now —Â Sorry Romney but this seat is taken!
As of right now (12:00am EST) Mitt Romney’s camp is refusing to concede because they do not feel that they have lost Ohio although it has been projected by all news outlet. Karl Rove, FOX NEWS political analyst and columnist says that although Fox News has delivered to THEM that Obama won Ohio, he will NOT announce it because he does not believe it. Why? Oh, because he contributed a large amount of money to Romney’s campaign. Sir, you and Mitt need to give it up, Barack won. How many more votes does he need to prove he is the victor? 300?
Congrats to my President. It’s great to have you back.