Things weren’t looking good for Janoris Jenkins in the first round of the draft when he was one of the hopefuls that didn’t land a spot on a team. A lot of teams considered him a character risk. This probably has to do with him being 23, 4 kids, 3 baby mamas, a possession of marijuana arrest and a college drop out. Jenkins fans will be happy to know that he has found a home as corner back of the St. Louis Rams as the 39th pick. “It felt good to be picked,” Jenkins tells USA TODAY,  “It’s exciting knowing that the Rams accepted me for who I am.”
“People are going to say what they want,” Jenkins says. “I ain’t got nothing to prove. I just have to go out there and be who I am. I see it as another opportunity.” Well, I’m just hoping I don’t have to write a dumb baller blog about Janoris any time soon. Congratulations to Janoris and his baby mamas.