Could you find yourself being with someone for the rest of your lifetime if they didn’t share your religious beliefs? Could you be with someone who was Jewish? Muslim? Didn’t believe in God? Wasn’t sure what to believe? Could the relationship really work?
Religion is a huge part of any relationship. Most people rely on faith heavily when it comes to important matters in their life. Some may feel that if you don’t believe what they believe, you couldn’t possibly be compatible. I dated a guy who was Atheist before. We had a pretty good relationship. I was never an overly religious or “bible thumper” type and I’ve always kept and open mind when it came to just about anything, so I guess that’s why we were able to get along well. Since I didn’t really find myself quoting the Bible every 2 hours, I never felt a need to censor myself when talking about God. I didn’t force my beliefs on him, and he didn’t force his on me. We both agreed that as long as we lived our life right, where we go after we die wasn’t as important. Don’t get me wrong, there were definitely some times when I wouldn’t speak on God, just because I felt it was inappropriate around him. He never asked me to do this, I just felt that way. Almost like a small ounce of guilt maybe. When I had questions that I needed answers to, my answer was always “Pray On It” ….but I couldn’t tell HIM that. I almost felt bad that he couldn’t just pray and release his burden. Let go and let God. But hey, what do you do, he doesn’t believe in all that and it wasn’t my place to make him.
Every now and then you run into the type that want you to believe in what they believe in and no matter how much they tell you otherwise, they force their beliefs on you. Those are the hardest people to be with. Usually when they start the relationship that way, the relationship ends for the same reason. I don’t think you should force anyone to feel any certain way. If they eventually decide to change, allow them to do that on their own. Whether or not you could be someone of a different faith should depend on how deep into your faith you are. Also keep in mind that if you believe strong enough, you shouldn’t feel the need to have to convert a loved one. Believe that they’ll find the way on their own….if they want to.
When it’s all said and done, I think I could marry someone who wasn’t Christian. We’d have a cute double wedding thing that caters to both beliefs, and we’d find a way to raise our children to believe…in something, doesn’t matter what. I’d eventually let them choose their religion when they were old enough to make the decision. I don’t think I would love my husband or children any less because we didn’t go to the same church.
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