Sex plays a major part in a relationship. It’s a time when two people become one, leave inhabitions behind and even for a short while at that point you start to see what a person is all about. But what if your Baller falls short in the bedroom?
In my experience bad sex changes everything! No matter how bad I may want it to work, if we can’t gel in the bedroom we can’t be together. Awkward sex, short sex, meaningless sex and unfulfilling sex are major turn offs for me. With that said, for the sake of his ego have you faked it? I have! If I cared a lot about a guy, I don’t want this experience to bring his spirits down. Maybe under most circumstances he’s great in bed! Maybe we just aren’t compatible. So yeah, I’ll probably lay there and moan dramatically as I peer over his shoulder to watch TV. When my moans don’t match his “rhythm” I’m sure he can tell that I’m not trying my hardest to convince him. I’m a nice person and at the end of the day when it comes to sex, I still want you to have a great time — even if I’m not. As long as you mean well and you really think you’re doing something great, who am I to burst your bubble?
On the flip side I have faked it just to get it over with. I figured, hey if he thinks I came, maybe he’ll stop. A lot of times it works. I’ll yell out that I’m about to climax, he’ll do his thing, he’ll roll over and then he’ll fall asleep. All will end well and I’ll pick my bags up and go home never to return to him again. Unfortunately theres that moment when you’re faking it and he gets this overwhelming sensation that he’s really doing something and refuses to stop. He just keeps going and going and going in the most brutal and unsexy way. The best thing you can do at this point is just shut up. Maybe if he thinks you’re over it he’ll just stop. Sometimes it works, but I do wonder if that brief silence eventually takes a stab to his ego.
Is it wrong to fake it or are you better off keeping it 100% real and telling a man he’s awful. If he’s truly good at what he’s doing, he’ll know the proof is in the pudding right?