In the days when people are being stabbed over Facebook fights and beat up over Twitter rants, the term “It’s just the internet” can’t be taken as lightly as it used to be.
The term is usually used by someone who used the internet as a way to spew lies, spread rumors or cyber bully but as soon as “things get real” they say “It’s just the internet”. Well let’s get a few things straight. Yes, you did use the internet as a means to say what you said, but you ARE a real person and a real person used a very large platform to do some very malicious things. A real person said some very real things and let’s face it, you were probably charged by some very real emotions.
Let’s say someone joins a social network like Baller Alert. They stumble upon the site and after viewing it for a few days they find it interesting enough to sign up. Unfortunately after a short stay and their inability to follow the site’s rules & guidelines (for example spamming) they are removed from the site. Now a person who lived by the code “It’s just the internet” and keep it moving. A person who was incredibly into their feelings on the other hand, may create a blog of their own to start rumors and lies about a site that they were once very excited to be a part of. Now if it were only the internet the person may have just used their own blog as a diary to release their thoughts but if a person gets to a point that they interview themselves, quote themselves and even compose their own fake comments on the site to make it appear that they have an army of people behind them that feel the same way, it’s safe to say that it has gone beyond being “just the internet” and your real human feelings are hurt. It’s safe to admit at this point that it’s more than just the internet.
The term “it’s just the internet” is used by two different types of people: People who really aren’t about that life in person & don’t really want the trouble they caused online and People who want to disguise the fact that they were really hurt by something online, so use these words to make themselves feel better. Either way remember that things you say online may come with offline consequences. Even if it be just emotional consequences remember, it’s more than just the internet.
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