(pic: donnienicole.com)
As we creep closer to the New Year, it’s time to start thinking ahead. What plans do you have for your future? Will you be making plans to increase your finances while lowering your debt? Do you want to travel more? Take steps to becoming physically fit? Whatever you want to do, it’s time to visualize it and make it happen by creating a vision board.
What Is A Vision Board?
A vision board is any sort of “board“ on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life. It’s a visual tool that helps you clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on specific life goals.
As someone who believes in the law of attraction, I find that speaking certain things into existence truly works. By manifesting my goals into something physical that I can see daily, I find that it is easier to work towards them and make them happen. It’s one thing to tell myself I want to make a million dollars in the next 5 years. It’s another thing to visualize it actually happening. The universe must believe in it too because several things from my vision board last year have come into fruition.
What’s The Difference Between A Vision Board & A New Year’s Resolution
A vision board is something visual. It’s the equivalent of hanging your new year’s resolutions on your wall. You create a board using images/photographs of where you visualize yourself. You place the board in a sacred space where you will have to see it daily. Seeing the images daily reaffirm the fact that you need to work on those goals daily. Subconsciously, you are making those visions on your board come true. “Law of Attraction” is very real. It’s something that has been used by everyone from psychologists to athletes for decades.
How many times have you made a New Years Resolution and before January was over, you had already forgotten about it? You’d already stopped going to the gym. You already stopped saving your money. You gave up on the resolution because you weren’t constantly reminded to work on it. A vision board serves as a visual reminder to work on the goals you set for yourself.
What Do You Put On A Vision Board?
The joy of a vision board is that it is your vision, your dreams and your goals. Therefore you can put whatever you want on it.
Throughout the year I collect magazines, so my board consists of magazine clippings. I tape photos of vacation destinations, cars, money, powerful women and other small goals on my board. Last year my board consisted of a new car (which I got), a new home (which I got), a healthier lifestyle (lost 20 lbs) and more traveling (which I do.) You can decorate your board how ever you see fit.
Your board doesn’t have to be in physical form either. Some people create a digital vision board in photoshop and place it as their computer’s desktop wallpaper. Others use vision board apps to create a board for their phone.
So when will you be getting your vision board cracking?
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