By now you’re probably hip to the fact that rapper Fetty Wap and Love and Hip Hop Hollywood’s Masika Kalysha are expecting a child. Earlier this month, Masika made the announcement on Instagram that she was six months pregnant. Fetty Wap took to his Instagram to blast her, and appeared to come off as an unwilling participant in the matter.
Now rumors have hit TMZ and it appears that Fetty may have asked Masika to abort the child, and she didn’t, now he’s supposedly not going to step up.Â
TMZ reports that when Fetty found out about the pregnancy, he engaged in an angry text exchange asking why Masika did not get an abortion. According to the alleged texts, Masika said that she abortion is murder and she does not believe in them, to which Fetty allegedly replied, “You obviously don’t believe in condoms either.”  Note: I say ‘allegedly’ since screen shots of the texts have not been provided.Â
Supposedly the texts also show Fetty, who already fathers a couple of kids,  saying he has no plans to help Masika raise this child. “I ain’t comin round helping yu none of that I’m lettin yu no now,” says the rapper.
This sounds like the setup for a perfect reality show, doesn’t it? Speaking of reality television, Masika Kalysha is rumored to be participating in a BET reality show. Chris Brown’s baby mama, Nia, Â is also said to be involved. There’s no word yet as to the name of the show.
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