Many of us have goals and aspirations that we want to achieve during our lifetime. In order to do so, we have to work hard and consistently. Every payday after paying bills, many put money aside to save for something they really want. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to splurge on yourself at times. You did work for it, right?
Well, what makes celebrities any different? Oh, because they make more money they should be donating or giving money away to make other people happy? Does that even make sense? Majority of celebs donate a lot but because they don’t broadcast it, I guess they don’t do it.
The same people that are counting their pockets, barely do anything for their community. Hell, you have some that barely take care of themselves and their kids. But for some reason, they feel the need to count someone else’s coins.
The same energy that is put into someone else’s wallet should be used to build your own empire. Focus on your goals and what’s needed to be successful. Spend your money the way you want to. If you want to buy your parents a home, pay their bills, donate to charity, buy jewelry, and etc., then do just that.
It doesn’t matter if you’re in the public eye or not, your coins are yours and no one on the outside can control how you spend it!
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