On Wednesday, a video surfaced of a professional baseball player physically assaulting his girlfriend in a Texas stadium stairwell. Hours later, TMZ revealed new details about the couple’s relationship. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
According to the publication, Danry Vasquez proposed to the woman just months after the incident, and she said “Yes!” However, the two called it quits a few months later, and Vasquez began dating a new woman. In fact, the two have since jumped the broom.
“I am currently married, and not with the girl with whom I had the incident,” Vasquez said in an interview with elemergente.com, TMZ reports. “I respect, value and love my wife. She has supported me in all this and has been an unconditional person in this matter. I also know that those scenes were strong. As a public figure, I must set an example. Today I apologize and show that this should not be done. I know that stronger comments come and I leave everything in God’s hands.”