Last week I wrote a blog about women paying for sex from a man who knew how to work the D. While many on Instagram could think of a million ways they’ve probably paid for it, many on the site were the exact opposite. That lead me to thinking, what are some of the craziest things you’ve done for some Good D? Check out the Top 10 list below!
Good Peen Will Make You:
- Create Hostile Situations Just So You Can Get Make-Up Sex – Have you ever started a fight because you know that the sex that was going to follow would be the most amazing experience you will have in your life? I know I can’t be the only one guilty of this.
- Pay His Child Support – Sometimes the sex is so good that he has you out here taking care of his responsibilities. It starts off with you buying his kids diapers, then it graduates to shoes, next thing you know you’re out here paying his child support and putting his oldest son through college. Stay woke, girl!
- Bail Him Out Of Jail – It is a scientific fact that criminals have the best peen ever, don’t debate me on this. Good peen will have you bailing him out of jail and lying on the witness stand. There’s no way you can do 25 to life without that Good D.
- Fly Him Out – Believe it or not, it happens! When your Good D is long distance and you can’t find anything to pacify you at home, sometimes you just have to order take out.
- Put Him On Your Benefits – I think many of us have been here though we won’t admit. Good Peen will have you putting him on your dental plan, health plan and leaving him as the beneficiary in the untimely event of your passing. D*** so good make you want to put him in your will.
- Call His Girlfriend & Tell Her How Lucky She Is – Good peen will make you come out of a side chick’s place, call his girlfriend and tell her that she is blessed to sleep with that every night.
- Submissive – Good peen will make you submissive. No, more submissive than usual. Like, I had a friend tell me a story of peen so good that they would sleep in the other room while Mr. Goodbar cheated on them. They’d pretend to be the “room mate” while the side piece came over, then when the side piece went to sleep the “room mates” had their fun. Only Good D would make you do something like that!
- Pay His Bills – Good D will have you paying his phone bill just so you know that there will never be a reason you can’t call him up when you need to. Good Peen will have you co-signing car loans and getting apartments in your name.
- Take Off Work – If your Mr. Goodbar hits you up to tell you it seems like he’s ready, that Good D will have you leaving work and shaving your hoohah in the employee bathroom just to make it to him before the thrill is gone!
- Disown Your Family – Good D will have you disowning your family and adopting his mother. D*** so good you forgot your own last name.
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