Usually as women while we are in the gym we tend to focus on cardio, getting a slim waist and a more shapely rear-end. Though these are all great things to focus on we cannot forget the rest of our body. I’ve recently fell in love with training my back! Back exercises are just as important in creating that hour glass shape that you dream of as training your waist and glutes. A wider upper back will give the illusion of a smaller waist, and a smaller more toned lower back can give the illusion of a bigger butt. Not to mention a toned back means NO ROLLS, and we all know rolls are better left on the dinner plate and not our backs! With that being said, here are some of my favorite back exercises!
1. Bent- Over Rows
This can be done with either a barbell or dumbbells and it works your middle back. This can be done with a standard grip or wide grip. Make sure you keep your back flat and parallel to the floor when doing this exercise. Personally, I prefer to do this exercise with a barbell and if you’re waist training wearing your corset while doing bent over rows will help you keep your back flat.
2. Back Extension
Also known as Hyper-extension works the lower back and I promise isn’t as hard as it looks. I’ve avoided this exercise for YEARS up until recently because it just looked too hard, but when I finally did it I wonder why I didn’t try it earlier. It’s actually kind of fun! You’ll really feel it in your lower back and you can add weight for an extra challenge.
3. Seated Cable Rows
One of my favorite back exercises because you really feel it. This is another row exercise that works the middle back. Try not to swing your torso while performing this exercise and, like the bent over row, make sure you keep your back flat.
4. Wide Grip Lat Pull Down
If you’re trying to get rid of back rolls this is the exercise for you. It works the Lats also known as “Back Roll Territory”. This can be done either sitting or standing.
With all back exercises make sure you DON’T CURVE YOUR BACK! Your muscle will build on that curve and you can develop a hunchback. On our journey to build the Ballerific Body of our dreams, we can’t be walking around with a hunchback. That isn’t cute and, unless they just happen to have a hunchback fetish, no Baller wants that. So make sure you keep your back flat and use proper form when doing these exercises.
For more exercises checkout They have a large database of exercises and workout routines with instructions.
Don’t Forget to Follow my New Fitness IG page @BodybyBerry
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