Dear Men, You think that you know everything about women and unfortunately you just don’t. In an attempt to try and bridge the gap between sexes, I’ve written 5 things that I think every woman wishes men would just understand. Don’t debate, just understand.
5 – Just because we wear makeup doesn’t mean we have low self esteem. Apparently there is a misconception that women who wear makeup are hiding the real them. Sorry to break it to you fellas but we are not. Sometimes a woman just wants to play dress up. We’ve been doing it since we were toddlers. It’s funny how men try to find a million ways to say that women have low self esteem, whether it be our hair, our clothes or our makeup. Yet men never talk about what they do to attribute to said “low self esteem”.
4 – Just because we want security doesn’t mean we are gold diggers and can’t do it ourselves. Another misconception is that women NEED a man for financial stability and security just because we want a man with those qualities. There is nothing wrong with a woman dating above her tax bracket and just because we do doesn’t mean we don’t have anything to bring to the table as well.
3 – Our standards aren’t too high, you just aren’t living to your highest potential. For some reason men swear that women want the sun, moon and stars and wouldn’t be happy unless we have it all. In reality, it’s not that we want the sun. moon and stars, we just want a man who believes that he is capable of providing it. All women really want is a man with ambition and goals. Real goals. Real women are more impressed with potential than perception.
2 – We aren’t angry, we’re just over it. Unlike popular belief we’re not angry single women, we just want better for ourselves than you are currently offering. We may be a tad bit fed up and even a little tired. Frankly, we’re just tired of being pushed to the limit by someone who doesn’t completely appreciate us. Don’t mistake our emotions for anger, we hate that.
1 – Just because we date white doesn’t mean we don’t want you. For some reason men, especially black men, date outside of their race and down black women while doing so yet when black women date non-black men they take it personal. Well allow me to enlighten you fellas, everything isn’t about you. If we want to date white men it’s because that particular man, who happens to be white, treats us well. If you take it so personally, take it upon yourself to treat us better.
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