Every year we get so excited for the new year and a clean slate that we forget that we still bring old habits from the year prior with us. Yeah, we have resolutions, and things we want to do differently, but what about all the other junk we bring with us. Though we’ve nearly completed our first month of the year, it’s important that we continue on the path of not letting 2015 ruin our 2016. Here are five things to eliminate this year.
1. Toxic Relationships– this can be with your significant other, your friends, or even family, basically anyone you are close with, that isn’t healthy for you. If everything involving them is negative: arguments, lies, and unhappiness, its time to eliminate them until things get better.
2. Bad Habits– Take some time to think about all of the bad habits you had in 2015. Maybe you procrastinated, were too controlling, or too much of a push over. Make a list and slowly start to check each one off. This will take some practice, but will become easier as you break each habit.
3. Unfulfilling Jobs– Its almost impossible to have a job that we love 100%,, there is always something that could be better. But if getting up to go to work everyday is a challenge, or if you leave work everyday dissatisfied, exhausted and unhappy; it’s time to find a new job. Look for something that fits your interest, or will at least give you enough motivation to actually look forward to going in everyday.
4. Financial Stress – Clearing up debt takes time, but budgeting yourself, and monitoring your spending will give you a little bit of comfort and a blueprint to do better. With proper monitoring you can begin to see where your money is going, and come up with an appropriate way to budget funds. If you spend too much on food, set up a budget for food that will allow you to eat, but save also. If you spend too much on clubbing, set up a club budget and don’t deviate from it.
5. Physical Clutter– Physical clutter does not help mental clutter; when you are stressed out, coming home to a messy house only makes it worse. Clear your house, car, and office of unnecessary clutter making sure you are organized. Also take a little time everyday to straighten up behind yourself. The cleanliness will make it easier for you to find things, and avoid unwarranted stress.
Once you start eliminating things off this list, each will get easier to do as you prove to yourself that you’re capable. Make 2016 your best year yet and don’t let old baggage, or old relationships ruin your new year before you even get started.
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