We’ve all been there. We ended a relationship, willingly or unwillingly, with someone and no matter how hard we try, we just can’t get over them. Everything seems to remind you of the past love. Maybe a song will come on the radio, a commercial on TV, someone brings him up, it just never fails. Well here are some ways to get over him, the relationship and the break up.
1 – Cut off all contact – Easier said than done, I know, but it really is important to understand that the “out of sight out of mind” theory is very real. Talk yourself out of calling to check up on him for a while. Try to avoid contact with his family and friends. Most of all, no sex with him! Friends with benefits won’t work at this point.
2 – Change your routine – If you find yourself thinking of him every time you visit your favorite restaurant or when you go jogging through certain neighborhoods, change your routine. Try to discover new things and new favorites that aren’t attached to old memories. Enjoy Italian food? Call some of your girl friends and try the brand new restaurant that just opened. Allow yourself to realize that new memories can be created with someone else.
3 – Keep yourself busy – An idle mind is the devil’s playground so you better believe that if you sit in the house depressed about your break up all day, you will keep thinking about it. Keep yourself busy. Take up a new hobby. Go work out. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do that maybe your ex wasn’t into? How about a new book you’ve been wanting to read? I’m sure there is a show on Netflix you’ve been meaning to catch up on. These are just a few great ways to keep yourself occupied mentally so that you can avoid thinking about the past.
4 – Get sexy – One thing we as women tend to lose at times, whether while in a relationship or when we are just coming out of one, is our sexy. Channel that inner sex kitten again. Get dolled up, throw on that little black dress those high heels and head out for a night out on the town. Embrace the stares (and phone numbers) from men and remind yourself that you are beautiful, sexy and wanted by more than just the loser that dumped you.
5 – Grieve, then get over it – It’s important to remember there is nothing wrong with having feelings. It’s okay to cry, let it out, break some shit and get over it. It’s therapeutic to cut faces out of pictures every now and then. Curse a little then pray about it. Sometimes you have to do it in order to release all of the energy that you have bottled inside of you.
Things Not To Do?
– Over/Under Eat – Your health is more important than ANY man and you’re going to regret those extra pounds later.
– Blast on social media – As dumb as you think you may be making HIM look, airing your dirty laundry on social media is NEVER a good idea. It always backfires.
– Rebound – Trying to use other men to forget another man hardly ever works. You end up just trying to fill a never ending hole. Allow yourself to be completely over the fist guy before moving to a new relationship. Do you and your new boo the favor.
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