On Tuesday, 50 Cent took to Instagram to troll his baby mama, Shaniqua Thompkins, amid her plan to appear on a reality show with Nas’ ex, Carmen Bryan.
Despite the negative connotation of the show itself, Bryan said it’s much different than the “wig snatching and wine throwing” reality shows fans are used to.
“We’re trying to put a spin on black excellence showing women in an organic environment and if there is any tension or disagreements, it’ll be resolved, and we move on to the next aspect of the program,” she said. “[My goal is to show] black women in a better light.”
However, the rapper-turned-television producer was not sold on the idea. In fact, in a lengthy Instagram post, he offered his baby mama some advice, as well as alternatives to her new gig, “look b*tch, go get a f*cking job,” he said.
“I own your life rights, reality tv is a no go,” he added. “I don’t know what to tell you, oh go shake you new fake ass over at club Angels.”
But of course, Tompkins was completely unbothered by 50 Cent’s attack, in fact, she said he’s all bark and no bite.
“I don’t feel anything about it,” she said. “He doesn’t have the power that he claims he has and I don’t feel anything. I feel whatever God has for me is gonna be.”
“I think Floyd said it best in his Instagram post, he’s just mad because I don’t want to be with him,” Tompkins added. “He knows that I’m the only one that was there from the beginning that can expose who he really is.” ⠀
But as it turns out, according to TMZ, 50 is ready to take the matter to court if it comes down to it. But, Tompkins is not backing down, as she is ready to fight back with lawyers of her own.
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