When it comes to sexual experiences, many people use the opportunity to experiment and try new things. Some people experiment with different positions,different locations or even toys. However, others, and by others I mean very few, experiment with their protection. As we’ve all learned in sexual education, condoms protect us from sexually transmitted diseases and parenthood. Therefore, if you don’t have a condom, you should probably take a rain-check. However, there are a few people in this world, who would rather solve the problem with a quick fix. Do-It-Yourself Condoms.
According to the Cosmopolitan, last month, two students from Vietnam used a plastic bag as a makeshift condom. Apparently, they were too embarrassed to go out and by real condoms so they made their own. However, the romantic night turned sour when the two ended up in the hospital. Sources say, the plastic bag caused so much friction that their private areas began to bleed. Seems like buying condoms would have been less embarrassing than landing in the hospital with bleeding genitals. But, it gets worse. In 2014, British women revealed that a fourth of them knew of people who used latex gloves as an alternative to condoms. Sounds like an unplanned pregnancy waiting to happen.
Continuing, last year, a writer at Total Sorority Move revealed she had once used plastic wrap as a condom. While, the thin, synthetic material can be used as a dental dam, during oral sex, it’s not suitable for penetration. According to the publication, a lot of people have tried to use a sandwich bag for sex, or a plastic shower cap. But, the strangest of them all, is a water balloon. Why one would allow a water balloon near their genitals is beyond me. However, it’s been done. And the results, well…”I have never seen a [penis] turn that color before,” someone wrote of the experience.
Basically, if you’re too embarrassed to buy condoms, you probably shouldn’t be having sex. Be smart. Protect yourself, properly.
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