Actress of the legendary show Sabrina The Teenage Witch, Melissa Joan Hart, was near Nashville’s Covenant School during the deadly mass shooting of six people, including three children.
“My kids go to school right next to a school where there was a shooting today.” Hart released a video an Instagram video on Tuesday, saying she wanted to wait to post the video because “it was too raw.”
“We helped a class of kindergartners across a busy highway that were climbing out of the woods, that were trying to escape the shooter situation at their school. We helped all these tiny little … kids cross the road and get their teachers over there, and we helped a mom reunite with her children,” she continued.
Monday, a 28-year-old identified as Audrey E. Hale entered the private Christian school and shot and killed six people. The three students and three adults killed were identified as Evelyn Dieckhaus,9, Hallie Scruggs, 9, and William Kinney, 61-year-old Cynthia Peak, 60-year-old Katherine Koonce and 61-year-old Mike Hill.
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I am disgusted she played the role of a witch on tv and uses the word pray in this interview— She is a fake person who glamorized witchcraft for monetary gain. Also, she did not live near the sandy hook shooting . She lived in a rich town many, many , many miles away. She just wants attention. Disgusting!! I am from Connecticut and know exactly where she lived during the sandy hook shooting. Her house was in a rich town in another part of the state— no where near that school.