Former NBA player, Allen Iverson has allegedly abducted his own children – this according to his ex-wife. Tawanna Iverson is now asking the court to force Allen to give them back by filing legal docs claiming Allen recently asked for permission to take their five kids on a short vacation to Charlotte, NC from May 22nd-May 26th. Tawanna agreed, but when May 26th arrived, the children hadn’t been returned.
The children range from 3 to 16-years old. Tawanna claims that she tried to set up a drop-off point for the children at a neutral location for Allen, but on June 4th when it was supposed to go down, Allen Iverson never showed up. Tawanna has sole legal and physical custody of the children and now truly believes that Allen never took them to Charlotte.
Tawanna Iverson believes that Allen Iverson is keeping the children at a Sheraton Hotel in Georgia. She’s especially concerned because Allen is an alcoholic and likes to drink around the kids. She’s asking the court to force Allen to return the kids and punish him – even asking the judge to throw him in jail.
Allen Iverson couldn’t be reached for comment, but it’s not the first time he’s screwed up. Tawanna asked a judge to throw him in jail once before for allegedly not paying $40,000 that he owed in child support. I guess he thinks if he takes the kids himself, he doesn’t have to pay support. Someone should tell A.I. it doesn’t work that way.
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