Amy Schumer is extremely friendly with her ex Boyfriend, Comedian Kyle Dunnigan. She’s so friendly she’s allowed him to move in with her, her husband and new baby.
On Wednesday’s episode of The Howard Stern Show on SiriusXM, Kyle Dunnigan revealed that he’s currently living with Schumer, whom he previously dated, and her husband chef Chris Fischer.
Dunnigan is working as a writer on Schumer’s upcoming comedy show for Hulu. The comedian explained his quirky living/working situation.
“I’ve been there for a month and a half,” he told Stern, revealing that he’s been living at their New York apartment. “She’s been very cool,” he continued, adding that he has his own room and bathroom.
When Howard asked if Dunnigan tried to avoid Schumer’s husband in the house as much as possible, the comedian shared that the two men actually get along quite well and even play chess together.
“We bro out,” the comedian said.
Dunnigan stressed the living arrangement isn’t permanent but joked that he might be extending his stay.
“All the food is really good and free,” he quipped. “I’m supposed to leave in three weeks, but I don’t think I’m gonna.”