Dear Lolo Jones,
In my head I started this letter several different ways. In my head I wanted to curse you out, remind you that you were a joke and tell you how strong your face was, but I chose not to. That would have been beside the point and so very counterproductive. Instead, I decided it was best that I showed you the error of your ways. Let’s take it back a few nights ago when not one, but TWO of your young female fans thought highly enough to dress up as you, their idol, for Halloween. While I personally feel they shoul have dressed as someone with more class and relevance, I applaud their effort for even thinking to dress like you. I applaud them for even remembering who you were because honestly, after your performance (or lack their of) at the last Summer Olympics, the entire country really just wanted to forget. These two young girls, saw it in their hearts to want to still look up to you and pay homage to you by dressing up as you. They even felt the need and excitement to share it with you. Were you impressed or even the least bit honored? No your trash ass wasn’t. In fact, you cut those girls down like a stick of melted butter.
To you Lolo, these cracks on the girls’ images were just jokes but in a time where young girls struggle with their identity and what society has deemed as beautiful, your “joke” was uncalled for. These girls already grow up with this unattainable vision of what beauty is. So unattainable that even adults are going to the Dominican Republic and laying up on a doctor’s table to achieve the VERY look that is supposed to be “natural beauty”. You have some NERVE making these impressionable girls feel bad over their weight and their hair, and you have NO idea what body image issues you may have just triggered or added on to.
I have come to the realization that you hate women. You hate girls. This is definitely not the first time that you have said something shady about a female before and there has to be a reason that your entire Team USA track team didn’t see it for you. It all makes sense. As a biracial child you probably weren’t accepted by women of ANY color growing up. In fact, you hinted at it yourself:
Black girls likely didn’t think you were black enough and I’m sure most white girls didn’t think you were white enough. What was a young biracial girl to do? You probably couldn’t please either side but guess what Lolo, you are no different from ANY other biracial kid. They all have the same struggle. As do black kids who grow up in white neighborhoods and white kids who grow up in black neighborhoods. It’s time to let that hurt go and stop attacking those that love you. You’re 30 Lolo, either you let it go or beg Iyanla or Jesus to fix it because were are absolutely tired of your bitch like behavior.
It’s deeper than that though because your hate is not for men, the way it is for women. It’s obvious women don’t take you and that explains why you spent the entire Summer Olympics hanging with the Team USA Men’s Basketball team instead of practicing those hurdles so you could at least have the audacity to place. Your hurt stems from a deep rooted part of your soul and you need to check that at the door. You can come for the grown ups but one thing I am NOT here for is you coming for the children. THAT is one thing we don’t like around here. Pick on someone your own size. You’re 30 years old, grow up.
If you wanted to talk about the inaccuracies in TrackChick13’s costume the curly hair was the LEAST of your concern. You should have pointed out the more obvious flaw, the fact she was wearing something around her neck that resembled a medal. Chile, we ALL know you don’t have one of those, boo. That’s the biggest inaccuracy of all. If she wanted to be historically correct, she would have taken the photo of the hurdle laid on top of her on the ground and you looking pathetic. Bad attitudes don’t win Olympic Medals Lolo, better ask Dawn Harper and Kellie Wells.
Fact is Lolo, your problem will ALWAYS be the fact that you worry about the wrong things. Instead of worrying about your duties as an athlete, you were more concerned with creating a media circus around you being a “supposed” 30 year old virgin. Girl, we’re still seeking receipts on that because frankly, we think that was all a ploy for attention. If it wasn’t, maybe some good peen will loosen you up so you could stop tripping over hurdles and place higher than 4th place. No one remembers 4th place.
Lolo, it is important that as a track “star” that every 2 in 50 billion girls aspires to be, you uplift these young girls and show them that anything is possible. Don’t knock them down like you did those hurdles in London. Show them the importance of being something OTHER than a sex symbol and that their looks should come second to their true talent. Be a mentor honey because your days as an Olympic hurdler are dwindling. We’ll see you in 2016 though….maybe.
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