They say you can’t help who you love. While that may be true, what happens when your love is color blind, but your political views aren’t? In a recent Tweet, one user stated, “My White Republican husband is starting to hate me because the longer we live through this administration, the “blacker” I become.” Although the thread, detailing her concerns, has since been deleted, it does lead to an interesting discussion about interracial relationships and politics.
Depending on your political views, you can either consider Trump’s presidency a total disaster or you are celebrating the divide he is creating amongst the American people, which impacts us all on a domestic and global level. All in all, this administration will be given credit for separating families both literally and figuratively and lifting the veil off of what many knew all along-racism never really went away. Contrary to what some people have assumed, we don’t live in a post-racial society just because it’s trendy to have bi-racial children or common to see interracial marriages. The truth is, the challenges and external scrutiny these families still face can likely pale in comparison to the work it can take for them to be on one accord with each other truly.
Imagine being under the impression that you and your family, “don’t see color,” but have completely different reactions to the high profile murders of black men and women by the hands of the police. What about what’s going on at the border? How do you handle someone you love in support of what is arguably one of the worst crimes against humanity of recent times? What would you do if your family members can appreciate Trump’s rhetoric because he, “tells it like it is,” but shudders at the thought of Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley and Ilhan Omar serving this country?
Here’s a better question, as a person of color, how could you ever get so complacent to assume that injustices towards people of color can somehow exclude you? How is it possible to become “blacker” over the years? Did you conveniently lose your blackness somewhere for the sake of coexistence or acceptance from others? No, you didn’t, but you did drink the kool-aide and in the words of the late, great Brother Malcolm, “you’ve been had. You’ve been took. You’ve been hoodwinked. Bamboozled. Led astray. Run amok.” If your version of love can allow you not to see color, then it must, at minimum, allow you to differentiate between wrong and right.

Check out the rest of the tweets below:
My white Republican husband is starting to hate me because the longer we live through this administration the “BLACKER” I become. Any interracially and opposing politically affiliated couples going through this? Like…I have NO idea how to balance who we are..or are becoming
I fake dreaded my hair…I wear African garb….I talk about the GOOD FIGHT. I’m the LAST person he wants to be involved with. If this is a test…HE is failing miserably
What’s weird…everything I do for him and our household is starting to be followed by derogatory comments towards me and I’m starting to feel like I’m sucking MASSA’S dick so I won’t get 40 lashings. And I start to think is it the right media or has this always been who he is
I didn’t realize this tweet would get this much attention. I don’t even know how to answer everyone as I am new to twitter. Thank you all for your advice and love. It made me cry. I’m trying to come to terms with who my husband really is and it hurts, it’s hard and I’m confused.
The hate is REALLY REAL out is the LOVE. I said my “White Republican Husband ” didn’t call him a MAGAT! But complicity to me is the same thing. Until the GOP constituents take their head out the sand and stop believing 45s lives he’s gonna continue to separate not only
Children at the border…but also American families who identify as Dems and Republicans. According to this tweet I’m not the only one going through having a divisive home. I don’t think my husband hates me but it’s how he makes me feel when he says certain things and because
He’s not the greatest communicator…I’m left with just my feelings. I love him…I know he loves me and for the black delegation with all the hate spewing…shame on you and I’ll be praying goodness eventually find your heart. This world is filled with too much hate already!
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